What is RSS actually ?
RSS is a family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated content such as blog entries, news headlines, and podcasts in a standardized format. An RSS document (which is called a "feed", "web feed", or "channel") contains either a summary of content from an associated web site or the full text. RSS makes it possible for people to keep up with web sites in an automated manner that can be piped into special programs or filtered displays.
source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS_Feed
In other words RSS ...
1. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication
2. RSS allows you to syndicate your site content.
3. RSS defines an easy way to share and view headline and content.
4. RSS file can be automatically updated.
5. RSS is written in XML
Why Use RSS ?
- Without RSS, users will have to check sites daily for new update information. This maybe to consuming for many users. With an RSS Feed. They can check sites faster using a RSS agregator.
- Since RSS data is small and fast loading, it can easily be used with services like cellphone or PDA.
1. Using common RSS reader tool embedded in your cellphone probably one of solutions to get new information from many sites (RSS support). Mobbuzz give you another answer because the RSS update process doesn't go in the client side but in the server side, at least your cellphone doesn't have to do a lot things to get new infomation just log in to mobbuzz application and new RSS that you had registered will be send to your cellphone.
2. Want to share RSS to other user ? well, using mobbuz you can do it simply. Only cost for data access (not regular tariff for sms) so it's cheaper than regular sms.
3. Labeling your RSS using Mobbuzz feature : RSS category, so you could devide your RSS based into topics : "Music", "News", "Life Style" etc...
4. More futher, the goverment could use this for distributing information. They can build portal supported RSS and people can subscribe it's RSS URL.
5, 6, 7 .... give your opinion. OK.